Sunday, July 05, 2009

International Freedom Festival

Growing up on the Windsor/ Detroit border, the beginning of July was a double celebration of freedom and Independence. July 1st is Canada day, followed a few days later by Independence day. The two cities combine their firework budget and have the biggest display imaginable off of three barges in the middle of the Detroit River. They purposely use to have this display on the 2nd or the 3rd so that it officially fell on neither countries birthday, but celebrated both. We even had a jingle to commemorate the event; International Freedom Festival, Nation to Nation, Friend to Friend.

This week I once again tried to get as much play out of the holidays as I could. All of the Canadians in town met on Wednesday night and had a great time. We let off fire works ( left over from Lunar New Year), drank Tim Horton's coffee and sat around reading the you know you are Canadian when list.

You know you are Canadian when...

  • You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines.
  • You're not offended by the term "Homo Milk".
  • You understand the sentence, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine".
  • You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.
  • You drink pop, not soda.
  • You can drink legally while still a 'teen.
  • You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike.
  • You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba, it's just a cheap place to travel with good cigars and no Americans.
  • When there is a social problem, you turn to your government to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.
  • You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.
  • Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway.
  • You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
  • You know what a Robertson screwdriver is.
  • You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.
  • You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap".
  • You know that Mounties "don't always look like that".
  • You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly".
  • You know that the Friendly Giant isn't a vegetable product line.
  • You know that Casey and Finnegan are not a Celtic musical group.
  • You participated in "Participation".
  • You design you Halloween Costume to fit over your snow suit.
  • You have an Inuit carving by your bedside with the rationale , "What's good enough protection for the Prime Minister is good enough for me".
  • You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet.
  • You brag to Americans that: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion, Michael J. Fox, John Candy, William Shatner, Tom Green, Matthew Perry, Mike Myers, Neve Campbell, Pamela Anderson Lee & many more, are Canadians.
  • Like any international assassin/terrorist/spy in the world, you carry a Canadian passport.
  • You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color.
  • You know the French equivalents of "free", "prize", and "no sugar added", thanks to your extensive education in bilingual cereal packaging.
  • You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.
  • You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.
  • You can eat more than one maple sugar candy without feeling nauseous.
  • You know what a toque is.
  • You have some memento of Doug and Bob.
  • You know Toronto is not a province. (...yet)
  • You never miss "Coaches Corner".
  • Back bacon and Kraft Dinner are two of your favourite food groups.
  • You actually get these jokes and forward them to all your Canadian friends.
Then yesterday, July 4th, one of my American Friends decided to have a party with some of her local friends. Since she needed help cooking dinner for the 12 guests she had invited, and because I could sing all of 'The Star Spangled Banner', I was once again invited to join in on a US Holiday. We made Sloppy Joes and watched Independence Day, the old Will Smith movie in the National language.

So Happy Birthday to both Countries. Even living on the other side of the world I get to celebrate the International Freedom Festival, Nation to Nation Friend to Friend.


~ Amanda ~ said...

i laughed out loud when i read "free, prize, and no sugar added" learned from cereal boxes. :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh! Tim favorite coffee!