Sunday, September 07, 2008

Garlic and Watermelon Anyone?

It was basically four years ago that I first came out here to live. Somewhere in the midst of it, life out here began to feel normal. As much as I have gotten use to things, I am sometimes reminded of how far removed they are from daily life in Canada. So for your sake I took my camera out on a walk with me and caught a glimpse of the everyday activities that I often take for granted, but thought you all might get a bit of a laugh out of. All of these were shot right in my new neighbourhood, not more than two minutes from my front door.

Garlic and watermelons are sold on the side of the street in huge piles, you can smell the garlic filling the air even before you turn the corner.

Red peppers drying out on a clothesline

Chickens, are our closest neighbours, these guys are right out under my bedroom window. Sadly to say the rooster died just shortly after I moved in here ( I swear I had no hand in his death, even if there were a few mornings that I did wish for it).

A recycling run. This couple would have spent their morning digging though the garbage house ( now there is something I should have taken a picture of) picking out anything that they can get a little money back for.

Young soldiers (freshmen) in training, another sign that the new school year has started.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hi KSA! Thanks so much for being interested in and following things in Botswana. I'd love to hear more about your life adventure and what all you are doing there. My email is Feel free to write any time and tell me more about all you are doing!
:) Andrea