Happy 2009.
In honour of the new year ( actually I think it had more to do with celebrating class being over for the semester than anything else) I decided to go for a new hair do. I have gone to beauty shops around here before, but it is hard to explain what I want exactly, and I always seem to walk away with something a little more Asian funky than I was hoping for. So this time I let one of my classmates have a go at it. She came highly recommended after having cut someone else's hair once. It is a little shorter than I originally intended, but this way I had enough to mail my ponytail to Locks of Love. Oh well, it will grow back (now the only thing is that you will all be able to tell when I am lazy and just use old file photo's on my blog-which trust me I do often since things haven't changed much in the four years I've been here).
All of my Uyghur friends are mourning the loss of my hair, since they place a high value on a woman's long locks... but the rest of the ex-pat community seem to think it is really cute.
Enough about outward appearance, I do hope that 2009 is a year in which we will grow in the important areas of life and that we will continue to walk the walk.
definitely a cute hairdo and so great that you could donate to locks of love. happy new year!
Your hair is so cute! I wanna see it in person. I miss you. A lot. I think we're gonna have to have a date basically as soon as I get back. We're all in this together!
Hey, Karen! I'm so excited that you have a blog. I'll email you a link to ours. Your hair looks fabulous, cutie. So, did you get weird looks shipping your ponytail at the post office?
Definitely a cute hairstyle and it still looks great on you today😊.
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