After last weeks run in with the the dance performance manager, my friends and I realized we had a few days free. We were scheduled to help him from Tuesday until Friday of last week. Since no one was expecting us we deiced to head to the mountains for a bit of a vacation.

The city I live in is surrounded on almost every side by mountains, which you can see on beautiful clear days from almost anywhere. It only costs about a
dollar to hop on a bus and have them take you out to a point from which you can start hiking. Sadly these
mountains are turning more and more into a
tourist trap all the time. There are big hotels and
restaurants, and even gate fees to pay to hike in certain parts.
We were able to talk with a
Kazak family a little about their
horses (
Kazaks love horses, they are a vital part of the culture) and in the end the wife told us the round about path we could walk to avoid paying the
entrance fee.

We hiked for about three hours before
stopping for a
picnic lunch ( huh, I might not be able to dance, but I can participate in some physical activities). As we hiked on we noticed that the rain was moving in and
decided it was time that we find ourselves a place to sleep for the night. All through the
mountains are
Kazak yurts, where you can make a deal
with the owner for dinner and a nights
accommodation. But you have to be willing to
bargain hard.

I don't speak
Kazak ( it is
linguistically close to
Uyghur kind of like Spanish and Italian are
fairly similar), I know a few simple rules of how the languages are different so we muddled our way through a conversation. I did pull out all the stops to try to get us a good price. I
repeated the fact that I was a student over and over, I even showed off my
skinny wrists to prove how little I eat. In the end I got the price down to $4CAD a night per person. I thought this
included our dinner, but I was
wrong, she ended up charging us an extra $5 for our food ( not to mention the $2 she charged us for coal to heat the fire and keep the yurt warm at night). I felt like we were
getting riped off.
The outside of a Kazak yurt (traditional home)
The inside of the yurt (I am the one on the left with my head covered trying to get some sleep)
A cute little Kazak baby, dressed really warm against the summer chill ( except for its little bum sticking out of the split pants).
But since returning home my teacher asked how much we spent on our night in the mountains. I have learned over the years to turn the question back on them. If I answer first with how much I spent, my local
friends will always tell me I paid way too much. But sometimes if I can get them to estimate the price first they will name something higher than I paid and I end up proving to them that
foreigners can do alright at the
bargaining game. My teacher thought a night in a yurt
plus dinner for three people should run about 300-350 of the local
currency. So you can imagine how surprised she was to learn that I had only paid 110 (for a grand total of $6CAD per person).
As you can see it was a
beautiful and restful place to get away (and yes mom, these are all file photos from three years ago. We didn't have a camera on us to capture the beauty this time, but I have in the past.)
That is amazing!!! What an incredible view, and the! I love the pictures you posted...looks like you had a great time. I'm jealous!!!
I love that little baby's bum!!!
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