Saturday, October 24, 2009

In the Dark

The province where I live is still very much under a cone of silence. We still don't have access to the Internet and international phone calls are hard to both make and receive. This blog post in fact is only able to be posted thanks to the help of many people. Two of my friends left the province for a few days on what we have come to call "Internet Vacations". They sent an email to my parents which included several blogs I had written to be cut and pasted over the next few weeks into my blog. It is weird after blogging for more than two years I now think of my life as a series of blog postable events. Even though we don't have Internet there are several time a week I say to myself "that would have made a funny blog post". In fact I was getting so many of these that I started writing them down.

As much as that is true it is nice to no longer feel like I am chained to my computer....there are no emails to answer, no pressure to post something, and now way to look up "what else that actor form the movie we're watching was in". It is quiet. But I also feel like I am in the dark on my family and friends lives. I also don't know what is going on in the world, nor can I easily let people know what is going on in mine. I might as well get use to it though, the Internet was shut down at the beginning of July and if rumors are correct might not be back until either the New Year, or maybe even as late as April. So the blogs to follow over the next few weeks are ones I sent my parents.


Jen said...

Hi KSA- glad you are still posting, indirectly. I was thinking about you tonight. Stay in the habit of writing, because your internet will come back, and we still want to read your posts in the future!

Beth said...

glad to see that you're back - even though you may not see this comment for a long time! Looking forward to hearing more about your new life over the next few weeks. said...

My goodness the hoops you had to jump through back then to keep the lines of communication open. We are really spoiled here in North American. We have so many freedoms that we take for granted and so many lines of communication in which we can voice our opinions freely.