61. Female Police officers because they don't leer and make rude comments as you try to register
62. Being able to register at a new house in under a half hour.
63. Finding an apartment that comes partially furnished with two beds, a couch, a hot water heater and a couple of desks. Now all we need to buy is a fridge.
64. People who invite me over for dinner, especially when an evening in their home feels like a mini vacation.
65. A landlord at our new apartment who seems fair and treats us like anyone else.
66. Cleaning ladies who, for only a small fee will clean away two years of dust at an apartment.
67. Packages! We got one this week from a family that use to live here. It was the best! They knew just what to send, since they knew first hand what you could not get out here.
68. Bus drivers that know me and will stop and pick me up, even if I am not at the bus stop
69. The material I have to teach this week, already having been translated into Uyghur
70. That I was able to get the Uyghur font program up and running again on my computer
71. Uyghur friends who call, just because they miss me and we haven't talked in a while.
72. New people who have moved to town
73. Skype conversations with friends and family at home
74. People who are willing to lend me books to read
75. Bread, fresh out of the bread maker
76. Quiet days of reflection
77. Other people who are willing to teach English corner
78. Getting over my cold
79. Books to read to children when you are babysitting. My friends had to go to the hospital the other day, during the three hours I watched the kids I think we read 20 story books (it was the only thing that would keep them quiet).
80. Slowly getting a better picture of the financial aspect of starting a company
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