This week we got a new roommate, this one is much furrier than any others to date. Meet the cat with many names: Gush (uyghur for "meat"), Aslan (Uyghur for kitten) Bu Yao ( national language for "don't want" - I think the mom of the family we got him from wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of having a cat in their home) and Puss in boots ( sometimes he looks just like the cat from Shrek). We are officially just babysitting the cat for a few weeks while friends of our are back in the states. Roommate 13 has been bugging me to get a cat since she moved in, so she is overjoyed about the new addition to our home. She said it was the best Christmas present I could have given her.
On that note I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. I sure did, although all the parties tired me out.
yeah, you are right about boxing day. i looked it up online after i posted. obviously i'm still rather confused about this holiday. hehe
and i'm glad you have a cat even for just a few weeks. as i'm sure you know from my blog, i'm crazy about my cat.
Aslan is Uyghur for kitten? You're kidding!! That's pretty cool.
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