Monday, January 31, 2011

Live Wire

Bangkok – a great place for vacation and adventure. We arrived about a week ago, but most of that time was spent in meetings and such. We did have our evenings free to go exploring the city and seeing the sights. Since this is not my first trip here I feel like I am pretty use to the flow of this place, the western feel, the tourists from all over the world and even the lady men don’t shock me they way they use too. Every time I have to take a day or two to readjust to looking right and then left before playing a mad game of frogger to get across the street. Thankfully the hotel we stayed at was right beside a pedestrian walking overpass, making it much safer to cross the busy main street we were located on. The first time I climbed the stairs to stroll above the traffic I, almost quite literally, got a huge shock. Running parallel to the medal handrail that I was using to help pull my weary legs up the steps, was about a million high voltage electrical cords just inches from my hand. When I saw it the old J.I.Joe commercial about never touching power lines vividly sprang to mind. Since knowing IS half the battle I slowly limped my way up the rest of the steps careful not to touch anything.


~ Amanda ~ said...

oh have fun in bangkok! i really wish i was in thailand right now. we have a terrible blizzard headed our way in chicago.

Dave said...

I miss you!!! we are in cambridge for a few unexpected months and i walked into the library on campus here and i had an overwhelming sense that something was missing....and it was you! but glad to see you are enjoying my motherland! martina

Rahangul said...

Sounds like you're enjoying your time there- hope you can get some good rest too and re-freshment. :-) Hope you enjoyed catching up with old friends, etc...